
News: open online Training

Now available!

Burckhardt Compression is now offering an non-brand specific online open training session. This course is open to companies and individuals with responsibility for the safe operation and maintenance of process gas compressors.

More information


Our training center is currently available for customer training. We have high health and safety standards to safeguard our trainees and trainers.

Due to Covid-19 travel restrictions, customers are kindly requested to check if they are able travel to Switzerland. Please check the following link for further information:
Swiss Federal Office of Health

As an alternative to classroom training, we are offering online options for training. If you have any questions in the meantime, please don’t hesitate to contact our Training Team.


Compressor technology trainings

Training is essential for the safe operation and maintenance of compressors. In order to minimize downtime and maximize profit, these complicated machines need the attention of competent, professionally trained people.


Laby® Compressor

Laby®-GI Compressor

Hyper Compressor

Process Gas Compressor

General Training on Reciprocating Compressors